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Here you can select our various locations around Rhenus. You can choose between countries, the corresponding locations, business areas, as well as locations in your surrounding area.


It is well-known that cultural assets have, in many ways, become commodities. However, their true value is not founded on their monetary worth. Regardless of this perception, cultural assets are undoubtedly worth preserving.

Whether it be books, paintings or documents, fossils or archaeological finds, art and artistic artefacts require a certain level of protection. We also offer suitable storage conditions for your exhibits, so play it safe and relieve your own storage capacity of the burden.

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Z.A.S. Zentral Archiv Service
Justus von Liebig Str. 7
17033 Neubrandenburg

Tel.: 0395 / 570 510 0
Fax: 0395 / 570 511 9
Email: info@zas-archiv.de